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About Worley Laboratories

Worley Laboratories is a small company dedicated to producing advanced software for 3D rendering. We concentrate on the highest-end tools, requiring advanced research and new developments in the state of the art. This R+D focus explains our description as a laboratory; we have many experiments, not all successful, but our goal is to develop brand new technology. We apply these new techniques to current 3D software such as LightWave in the form of plug-in tools.

Worley Labs is a small company, currently consisting of only five people. While small, we're devoted to producing the highest quality tools possible. An argument can be made in that our standards are too high (and therefore our tools come to market too slowly,) but we simply cannot abide by low quality, simplistic, or unstable software. We want to provide tools which are unique, useful, and bug-free.

Worley Labs began in 1991 as Apex Software Publishing by releasing a set of popular surface textures for the Imagine 3D program. In 1995, we switched to developing plugin effects for LightWave 3D. After two years of full-time development, we're happy to start shipping our first commercial LightWave tools starting the first day of 1997.

Worley Labs is located in beautiful Menlo Park, California. It's on the San Francisco peninsula, only two miles from Stanford University.

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